POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN DISORDER(PCOD) PCOD/PCOS is a lifestyle disorder and hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age. Women with PCOS have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or excess male hormone (androgen) levels. The factors like genetics, insulin resistance, and inflammation may play a role. Symptoms can vary widely, including irregular periods,weight gain, excess hair growth and acne. Treatment typically involves lifestyle changes, medication to regulate the menstrual cycle, and managing symptoms like acne and excess hair growth.


LEUCORRHOEA includes all abnormal blood-free vaginal discharges with or without foul smell or itching. It can also cause pain in the thighs and calf muscles and burning micturition etc.

Ayurvedic treatment of leucorrhoea is aimed at balancing Kapha, restoring the digestive fire, and to cleanse the accumulated toxins and rejuvenating herbs to tone the reproductive system.


Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) is abnormal uterine bleeding in women with no clear aetiology . DUB has been observed in both ovulatory and anovulatory cycles and has an impact on their physical, social, emotional and material quality of life.

Ayurveda considers heavy menstrual bleeding as Rakta Pradara. It is mostly attributed to an unwholesome diet and lifestyle that vitiates the doshas. The treatment protocol includes dosha purifications like virechana and basti , vaginal tampons (yoni pichu ), avagaham etc, along with oral medicines, all of which can help in balancing the doshas and correcting the condition.


Uterine fibroids (leiomyomas) are benign tumours of smooth muscle, originating in the uterine wall.

Symptoms of fibroids are abnormal and excessive uterine bleeding, pelvic pain, painful intercourse and infertility. Ayurvedic management includes Vata-Kapha pacifying therapies, blood purifying medicines, treatments to manage weight and hormonal imbalance and stress management.

It aims to balance the body’s doshas, enhance reproductive health, and improve the chances of conception. The treatment may involve a combination of therapies, herbal remedies, and lifestyle modifications based on individual needs.


Garbha Sanskar is a traditional Indian practice that focuses on the overall development of the foetus during pregnancy.It emphasises on various activities, behaviours, and practices to promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of both the mother and the unborn child.

The term "Garbha Sanskar" means "education in the womb" or "womb education." Together, Garbh Sanskar refers to the practice of nurturing the womb or shaping the baby's development.It involves a combination of prenatal rituals, prayers, yoga, meditation, dietary guidelines, music therapy, positive thinking, and reading or listening to spiritual texts. It has a profound impact on the physical and mental health of the baby and can influence its personality, intelligence, and talents.

Grabha sanskar education starts right from the time a baby is conceived inside the womb. So following are the methods-

  • Pre pregnancy detox.
  • Follow a healthy lifestyle.
  • Bond with a child.
  • Listen to garbha sanskar meditation, music.
  • Indulge in reading spiritual books and work in art.
  • Stay positive.